题目描述完成一个对候选人得票的统计程序。假设有3个候选人,名字分别为Li,Zhang和Fun。使用结构体存储每一个候选人的名字和得票数。记录每一张选票的得票人名,输出每个候选人最终的得票数。结构体可以定义成如下的格式:struct person {char name[20];int count;}leader[3] = {“Li”, 0, “Zhang”, 0, “Fun”, 0};
#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;struct person{ char name[20]; int count;}leader[3]={“Li”,0,”Zhang”,0,”Fu...
题目描述Write a program which calculates the area and circumference of a circle for given radius r.
输入A real number r is given.
输出Print the area and circumference of the circle in a line. Put a single space between them. The output should not contain an absolute error greater than 10^-5.
题解#include<bits/stdc++.h>#define pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510using namespace std;int main(){ long double r,s,c; scanf(“%Lf”,&r); c=2*pi*r; s=pi*r*r;...
题目描述猜想:对于任意大于1的自然数 n,如果 n为奇数,则 n=3n+1n=3n+1,否则 n=n/2,则经过若干步骤后 n一定会变成 1;如: 3−>10−>5−>16−>8−>4−>2−>1共 7步,输入 n,输出变换次数
输入多组输入,每行有一个 n, 1≤n≤109
#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main() { int n2; while(cin>>n2) { long long n=n2; //避免了对long long 的输入输出 int t=0; while(n!=1) { if(n%2==1) n=3*n+1; else n=n...
#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;struct { int num; string name; int g1;int g2; int g3;}info;int main() { while (cin >> info.num >> info.name >> info.g1 >> info.g2 >> info.g3) { cout &...
题目描述Draw a chessboard which has a height of H cm and a width of W cm. For example, the following figure shows a chessboard which has a height of 6 cm and a width of 10 cm.
Note that the top left corner should be drawn by ‘#’.
输入The input consists of multiple datasets. Each dataset consists of two integers H and W separated by a single space.The input ends with two 0 (when both H and W are zero).
输出For each dataset, print the ...
题目描述输出区间[a,b]中的所有水仙花数,若三位数ABC满足ABC=A^3+B^3+C^3,则称为水仙花数。例如153=1^3+5^3+3^3,所以 153是水仙花数
输入一个区间【a,b】,b,a都是非负整数 且满足b>a>0
#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main(){ int a,b,c,x,y; cin>>x>>y; while(x<y){ a = x % 10; b = ((x % 100) - a) / 10; c = (((x % 1000) - a) - 10 * b) / 100; if (x == (a * a * a) + (b * b * b) + (c * c * c)){ cout<<x&...
输出Fibonacci数列的第n个数,末尾输出换行。 递归法(使用数组记录已经算过的斐波那契数)
#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;uint64_t Fibonacci(unsigned char n){ static uint64_t fib[256] = { 0, 1 }; if (n == 0) return 0; if (fib[n] != 0) return fib[n]; fib[n] = Fibonacci(n - 1) + Fibonacci(n - 2); return fib[n];}int main() { int n; cin >> n; cout <&l...